Family Law

family law

Can You Get a Divorce Without Going to Court?

Divorce can be a tough process, both emotionally and financially.…

business minded people

Friendship in Business: Pros and Cons of Partnering with Your Best Friend

Close friends partnering in business leverage trust, understanding, and shared…

lawyer talking to client

Tips for Facilitating an Amicable Separation of Couple

Communication is essential in facilitating an amicable separation.  Set ground…

man in handcuffs being escorted by a police officer

Criminal Charges 101: A Crash Course in the Law

Criminal charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies and can…

couple unpacking

The Legal Challenges When Dealing with Estate Planning

While death can be the end of some problems, it…


Escaping an Abusive Relationship: Where to Start and How to Move on

Abuse can happen to anyone. Sadly, the cases of abuse reported every…

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