• Understand family law to ensure fair treatment in divorce proceedings
  • Grounds for marriage dissolution can include infidelity, financial problems, constant fighting, and physical/emotional abuse
  • Legal separation and annulment are two options before deciding to dissolve the marriage
  • The court will determine the equitable distribution of assets/debts and child custody/support based on each spouse’s situation
  • Hire a reputable attorney who specializes in family law to ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.

Marriage is a sacred bond between two people meant to last forever. However, sometimes situations make it impossible for a couple to continue their relationship. In such cases, the dissolution or ending of a marriage becomes inevitable.

Marriage dissolution can be challenging and arduous, and it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of family law to navigate it easily. This blog post will explore everything you need about marriage dissolution.

Grounds for Marriage Dissolution

Every marriage has its fair share of ups and downs. Sometimes, those downs can translate into a decision for divorce. Factors like infidelity, financial problems, and abuse can break the marriage vows. With separation, couples can conclude that their differences have gone too far for them to work things out.


Infidelity is one of the most common reasons behind most divorces. When one partner decides to breach the trust of their significant other, the bond slowly begins to erode. Nevertheless, not all cases of infidelity place the blame solely on one party. Sometimes, the cheating partner may have cheated themselves, and the reasons for addressing it must be understood and communicated.

Financial Problems

Managing finances can make or break a marriage. Common issues arise from overspending, not saving enough, or personal debts. Married couples face stressful situations where day-to-day sustainable solutions seem out of reach.

Constant Fighting

little girl crying while parents are fighting

Disagreements can become a sore point that constantly results in fights. While disagreements are common in any personal and professional setting, too much can boil over into anger and resentment.

Physical and Emotional Abuse

Abuse is generally not something a marriage should be built upon. Physical abuse can be threatening, while emotional abuse leaves long-lasting scars. Abusers often target their partner’s insecurities and try to guilt them into submission. When this happens, it’s time to seek serious help that can start with aid to leave the abusive situation.

Legal Separation and Annulment

Legal separation and annulment are two options that couples may consider before deciding to dissolve their marriage. Legal separation is a formal agreement between the team to live separately but does not end the marriage. On the other hand, an annulment is a legal recourse that invalidates the marriage as if it never occurred. The grounds for annulment include fraud, bigamy, and inability to consummate the marriage.

Division of Assets and Debts

One of the most challenging aspects of marriage dissolution is the equitable distribution of assets and debts. The courts generally follow the principle of equitable distribution, meaning that assets and debts are divided fairly but not necessarily equally. To arrive at a fair distribution, the court considers several factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s income, and contribution to the acquisition of assets.

Child Custody and Support

divorce lawyer helping his clients

If the couple has children, the court will consider their best interests when deciding on custody and support. Depending on the circumstances, the court may order joint custody, sole custody, or a combination of the two. The court will also determine the amount of child support paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent based on a formula that considers each parent’s income and expenses.

The Role of an Attorney

The marriage dissolution process can be complicated and emotionally draining, making it essential to have competent legal representation. You need to hire a reputable divorce attorney who specializes in family law and can provide you with comprehensive legal advice. Your attorney will guide you through the process and ensure your rights are protected.

Your attorney can also provide helpful information about the process, such as how to negotiate terms with your spouse without going to court and the best to prepare for a trial. With the right attorney by your side, you can be sure you will receive fair treatment in all aspects of your divorce proceedings.

Final Thoughts

Marriage dissolution is never a pleasant experience, but with the right mindset and support, navigating the process and moving on with your life is possible. We hope that this blog post has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of what you need to know about marriage dissolution. Remember to seek expert legal advice and representation to protect your rights and interests throughout the process.

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